
Get the Cymbals, I'm going out with a BANG

The time is running out
For me to make a difference.
I'm just one girl
With only one voice
Wanting desperately to be heard
By only a few.
But they won't listen.
It's only nonsense,
They say,
Shoving me in a room
Where I can see them
But they can't see me.
I'm haunted by the ghost
Of leaving ones you love
And being alone in a house
Staring out the windows all day
Without contact
Without words
Without touch...

... Feeling love is so hard now
I'm not sure if it's being betrayed
Or betraying others that made me
Made me lose all hope in it.
The numbness of hitting a small child
How innocent
How precious
But my metal against her frail being
Oh how wretched I must be!
I feel nothing
I wish someone could save this
Mangled mess of a person
But I just won't let them in
Not now.

Freedom is a luxury,
Not a right. Not to me.